How to Become an SnR Recruit.

SnR Clan
Posts: 163
Joined: Sat Sep 14, 2013 2:18 am
Ingame Name: SnR Office

How to Become an SnR Recruit.

Post by SnR Clan »

Please follow these steps if you wish to become a recruit in the SnR Clan:

1. Play on our Call of Duty, World at War public server.

2. Play tactically on our public server for 3 months prior to submitting an application.

3. Get to know the SnR Clan members.

4. Use our TS 3 server for in-game communications when playing.

5. Be active in our forums.

6. Show that you care more about team play than your own score. We aren’t looking for people that have 10 kills and no deaths but allow their teammates to die due to lack of communication or selfish game play.

7. Once you can say to yourself that you are doing items 1 – 6 above fill out an application to join the SnR Clan.

Send a PM to jwlknsn7, Ashes and VikingZombie with your application with info about, who, where and why you want to become a member.

E-mail address:
Former clan affiliation:

Applicants thoughts on tactical gameplay

Is the Aplicant using our server and ts?:
Willing to parttake in recruit trainings:
Willing and able to pay dues: currently 5$ us, for website and server rental:
will follow rules of conduct:
Other info:
